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New Cemetery


By Deneice Rice of Madison, GA

Birth – Unknown
Death – May 16, 1887


Madison was the home of Presiding Elder Andrew Brown, who was a founding member of the African Methodist Episcopal Church in Georgia.  The Georgia AME Conferences erected his tombstone to honor him.  He served the Madison St. Paul’s AME Church.


In an article, “Wayside Dots and Jots:  February 7, 1878,” in the Christian Recorder Henry McNeal Turner, twelfth bishop of the AME Church of Georgia, wrote about his visit to Madison.  He arrived the afternoon of the first Sabbath in 1878 on the “coldest day that ever visited that section of the State without doubt.”  The following is his account of meeting Rev. Brown:

















Christian Recorder, “Wayside Dots and Jots,” February 7, 1878,

Nevertheless I made my entrance into our church just as Rev. Andrew Brown, P.E., had knelt down to consecrate the elements of the Lord’s Supper, and witnessed a very lively time indeed. The most prominent of which was a large, well built, and finely arranged church and a congre-gation that would ornament a palace, if we are to judge by appearance.  Madison is the home of Presiding Elder Brown, and as he was fortunately holding his first quarter here, it gave me the much coveted opportunity of spending a few days in his over agreeable company.  With him and Rev. Richard Graham, the pastor of said church, I would have had a grand time had it not for being sick part of the time and falling on the ice and severely spraining my leg, which very much disabled me . . ..

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