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Madison Fairview Cemetery

NOTE: While there is no headstone marking

Ms. Harwell's grave, her obituary states she was buried in the family plot in Fairview Cemetery.




On Monday last in her home in Godfrey occurred the death of Miss Mattie Harwell, after an illness of only a few days from influenza, which quickly developed into pneumonia.


Miss Mattie was born and reared in the old Harwell homestead in Godfrey, but for many years had resided in town, where she operated a small hotel. She was seventy-three years of age, and had for most of her life been a consistent and loyal member of Antioch Baptist church. Her faith was strong and unchanging but she was very liberal in her association with other denominations and frequently entertained pastor of other creeds in her home. She was noted for her unbounded hospitality, and was a woman of splendid educational and personal advantages, being unusually well versed in both Biblical and political history.

Late in her life came financial reverses which were insurmountable and gradually the former fortune dwindled away from the family. This fact distressed her to an extreme degree, and finally underpowered her mental and physical powers to an extreme degree. The closing years of he life were spent in persistent efforts to regain the waning resources, in which she finally failed.

The funeral services were held from Hemperley's undertaking parlor on Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Augustus Ernest assisted by Rev. A.W. Quillian. A small party of loyal friends and relatives attended to pay the final sad rites. Rev. Ernest read appropriate selections from the ritual, and spoke feelingly of the excellence of character and virtues of the deceased. Rev. Quillian offered a very touching prayer and a favorite hymn of the deceased was sung by a trio of male voices.

She is survived by one brother Mr. Cornelius Harwell of Godfrey and a large number of relatives who mourn her loss. Her death marks the close of a long and useful life - one marked by seasons of affluence and luxury and shadowed by sorrows of financial worries of overwhelming content. May her boundless faith in her Lord and Master prevail in her future and bear her to the realm of endless peace and joy to which she so ardently aspired. Burial was in the family plat of the new section of Fairview cemetery, with Hemperley Undertaking Co. in charge.

                                              From: The Madisonian March 7, 1930 

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From: The Madisonian May 9, 1930 

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