Madison Fairview Cemetery
The death of Mr. Ollie S. Lawrence, which occurred at his home just outside Madison Saturday night, caused genuine sorrow to his family and friends. For about four months, Mr. Lawrence had been suffering from a serious heart trouble which kept him confined to his home, and had gradually undermined his vitality, and resulted in his death. Every possible attention of medical skill and tender nursing was given to him, but the insidious malady could not be stayed.
Mr. Lawrence was the son of Rev. Evan Lawrence and Mary Harwell, one of the finest pioneer families of Morgan county. He was born near Pennington on July 24th, and he died on February 4th, 1933, being 61 years of age. He was a resident of Morgan county all his life, removing to Madison several years ago, after purchasing the Hilsman home on Atlanta highway.
He was married on December 12, 1916 to Miss Annie Smith, of Madison, and this union proved one of mutual happiness. Their home was one of sacred confidence and congeniality, and in this home and companion was his greatest delight. He was a man of very modest nature, but endowed with lofty ideals of life, and no citizen of our knowledge enjoyed more thoroughly the highest confidence of his fellowmen. Loyal and hospitable, his home at all times was a welcome one to his friends, and his liberal nature was ever open to calls from the needy and distressed.
He is survived by a widow and an adopted nephew son, Jerry Lawrence; three sisters, Mrs. Lucy Fears, Jennings, La., Mrs. Sherwood Atkinson, Omatilla, Fla., and Mrs. W.H. Sisson, Boulder, Colo., also one brother, Mr. Julius Lawrence of Madison. A large chain of relatives in Madison and elsewhere also survive him.
Though not a member of any church by profession of faith, he was a regular attendant of the Baptist church, and a loyal member of the Mens' Bible class. In every way he measured up to the highest measure of membership, and on account of his heart trouble was the reason for not having been baptized into fellowship.
Funeral services were held from the Baptist church Monday afternoon, conducted by his pastor and bosom friend, Rev. W.S. Adams, assisted by Dr. Elam Dempsey. Rev. Adams paid a royal and touching tribute to his virtues as a devoted husband, a loyal friend and splendid citizen, and father to his adopted son. An immense concourse of sorrowing friends filled the large church, coming from far and near to pay a last tribute to such a splendid citizen.
Gorgeous floral offerings overspread pulpit and casket, the fragrant tributes ofthe love and esteem in which he was held. A choir composed of Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson, Mrs. Thompson, and Messrs. Owen and Wise sang with comforting tenderness, "What a Friend" and "Nearer My God to Thee." Following the funeral service the body was borne to Fairview cemetery in the family burial plat, by the side of his two brothers, Messrs. Jerry and Walter Lawrence, who preceded in death a few years ago.
The pallbearers from his close and loyal friends were Messrs. Will Shouse, Peter Walton, Fred Foster, Walker Reid, Tom Holland and Charlie Baldwin. Funeral arrangements were in charge of Hemperley Undertaking Company.
To the bereaved family and relatives family and relatives goes out the most sympathy of a wide circle of friends. In this sympathy no one unites more than the Madisonian, for in him we always found a staunch friend, a genial and honorable neighbor, and a citizen of superior and appreciative worth.
From: The Madisonian February 10, 1933
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