Madison New Cemetery
In the death of Mr. John G. Martin, which occurred Saturday at his home near town, there passed away a rich and rare spirit – one of the cleverest and most whole-souled men who ever lived in Morgan county. He was a son of the soil – was born, lived and died in Morgan country. He was positive in his likes and dislikes – one never had to guess how he stood with Mr. Martin – he was always frank and decided and strong in all his convictions.
He was one of the best known and most highly esteemed citizens of the county. For many years he was justice of the peace in Martin’s, a district named for his ancestors, and a district in the enterprises of which he took a large and active part. He had many friends who had enjoyed his friendship and his cordial hospitality, and The Madisonian joins in sympathy to those [who] are bereaved.
John Grieves Martin, son of John W. and Elizabeth Martin, was born in Morgan county, October 5, 1864 near the old home place where he died July 5, 1919. He was one of ten children. His brothers were Harman, Zach, William T. and George P. Martin, sisters, Mrs. Mary A. Gaissert, Mrs. J. W. Esper, Mrs. M. E. Parker, Mrs. Lizzie Stewart and Mrs. Hattie Cason. Mrs. Parker and Mrs. Cason survive him.
On October 29, 1876, he was married to Miss Sallie Martin of Franklin County, who died May 3, 1887. To this union were born four children, Mrs. J. H. Patrick, of Apalachee, Mrs. J. V. Courtney, of Athens, Paul E. Martin and Mattie M. Martin of this county.
Later in life he was married to Mrs. Sue Almand, who with his children survive him.
He was a member of East Madison Methodist church, where the funeral services were conducted Sunday afternoon by the pastor, Rev. J. W. Stephens. Scripture read, Job 14th chapter. The choir, composed of Mrs. Nell, Mrs. Ware and Mssrs, R. H. and J. Leon Prior sang “Rock of Ages” and “Over There.” Interment in the family lot in new cemetery.
The pall bearers were Messrs. J. T. Hollis, F. B. Almand, C. F. Barnett, Ben Ethridge, George Butts and D. P. Few.
Those from a distance who attended the funeral were Mrs. D.S. Cason, of Valdosta. Mrs. Mollie Martin, of Marietta, Miss Bertha Martin, Mr. Grady Martin and Mr. W. E. Steward, of Atlanta.
From: The Madisonian July 11, 1919
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