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Annie Maude Shepherd Baldwin
The Weekly Madisonian April 12, 1901


Mrs. Charles W. Baldwin Passed Away Yesterday Morning Madison is saddened profoundly by the death of Mrs. Annie Shepherd Baldwin, the noble wife of Capt. Charles W. Baldwin. She died at 3 o'clock yesterday morning.

Mrs. Baldwin was rarely sick during her life, and ten days ago was on the streets of Madison, the impersonation of healthy and womanly loveliness. Her nature was buoyant with cheerfulness and good will to everyone. Whatever reverses in money affairs that may have come to her husband, she bore with a merry resignation and cooperated with him in every possible way to improve the situation. If in girlhood and young womanhood, she had been the child of wealthy parents, with every gift in the bounds of reason gratified, the days then were no "better days" to her than those she spent unrepiningly, even joyously, in conforming to the new order of things resulting from the civil war.

She was married to Capt. Baldwin the year the war closed, and her married life was hardly shadowed until the death of her only daughter Miss Sara three years ago. The bereavement she never alluded to, or even thought of, without breaking into tears. In a moment, however, her Christian resignation would restore her to that cheerfulness which ever inspired most happily all those who were in her magnetic presence. Her devotion to her husband and children was so predominant that no just estimate of her worth could fail to emphasize it. She entirely lived for them, and there is no one of them for whom she would not willingly have died, could such sacrifice have been of corresponding benefit to them. It is needless to allude to the crushing effect on her husband and children.

The whole community partakes of their grief, and could human sympathy cure their bereavement, they would find abundant remedy in the great heart of the people who knew and loved her so well.

The funeral was conducted from the Methodist church yesterday and the remains interred in the new cemetery.

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