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NOTE: Old, New, Fairview, and Memorial each refers to one of the four cemeteries that make up Madison's Historic Cemeteries. See maps here.

Surname - S

Saffold, Adam G. (Old)

Saffold, Ann Porter (Old)

Saffold, Abram H. (Old)

Saffold, Julia S. Heard (Old)

Saffold, Mary (Old)

Saffold, R.S. (Old)

Saffold, Robert (Old)

Saffold, Sally (Old)

Saffold, Seaborn Jones (Old)

Saffold, Sarah Reid (Old)

Saffold, Thomas P. (Old)

Samples, Grover Franklin (Memorial)

Sanchez, Adolph S. (New)

Sanchez, Carolyn Bell (New)

Sanchez, Reina Esperanza (Memorial)

Sanders, Charles Alexander (Old)

Sanders, Charles Hayne (Old)

Sanders, Mary Ezell (Old)

Sanders, Otis (Memorial)

Sanders, Sarah A. (Old)

Sapp, Julia Shields Burney (Old)

Satterfield, Anne Baldwin (Memorial)

Satterfield, Ezelia R. (Fairview)

Satterfield, Jack Perry (Memorial)

Sawyer, Mary Lou (New)

Saye, George P. (Fairview)

Saye, Gladys H. (Fairview)

Saye, John William, Sr. (Memorial)

Schrimscher, Pauline Davis (Memorial)

Scruggs, Herschel Carroll (Memorial)

Scruggs, Ronda Sue Pinson (Memorial)

Sealy, Monroe J. (Fairview)

Sealy, Rosa M. (Fairview)

Seibert, Donald Joseph (Memorial)

Seibert, Patricia Brown (Memorial)

Self, Lucius Howard (Memorial)

Self, Shirley Ann (Memorial)

Sells, Nicole Leigh (Memorial)

Senft, Thomas Scott (Memorial)

Sewell, Robbie Ann Martin (Memorial)

Seymore, Erin Blair (New)

Seymore, Samuel (Old)

Shackleford, Charles B. "Shack" (New)

Shackleford, Corinne O. Few (New)

Shaffer, Bruce (Fairview)

Shaffer, Everlene (Fairview)

Shaffer, Jarvis B. (Fairview)

Shaffer, Kesai Lumpkin (Fairview)

Shampo, James Paul (Memorial)

Sharper, Mamie (Fairview)

Sharper, Richter (Fairview)

Shaw, ?.B. (Old)

Shaw, Ann E. (Old)

Shaw, Elizabeth (Old)

Shaw, George Stovall (New)

Shaw, George Stovall, Jr. (New)

Shaw, Harriet Louisa (Old)

Shaw, Harriette Reeves (New)

Shaw, Horace T. (Old)

Shaw, Horace Thompson (Old)

Shaw, Horace Thompson (Old)

Shaw, Infant (Old)

Shaw, Lucy B. Anthony (Old)

Shaw, Mary Bonner (Old)

Shaw, Mattie M. Hutchinson (New)

Shaw, Mrs. E. (Old)

Shaw, Sarah Rebecca Rogers (Old)

Shaw, Sebastian (Old)

Shelton, Carrie V. (Fairview)

Shelton, Ethel M. (Fairview)

Shelton, John H. (Fairview)

Shelton, Thomas Levi (Fairview)

Shepherd, Adelaide Douglas (Old)

Shepherd, Carter (Old)

Shepherd, Charles Baldwin (New)

Shepherd, Elizabeth Jones (Old)

Shepherd, Margaret Grace Logan (New)

Shepherd, Infant (Old)

Shepherd, Janie Catherine (Fairview)

Shepherd, Jerry Andrew (Fairview)

Shepherd, Mabel Clemons (New)

Shepherd, Madison Millard (Fairview)

Shepherd, Margaret Grace Logan (New)

Shepherd, Mary Page Moseley (New)

Shepherd, Mattie Cook (Fairview)
Shepherd, Robert Whitfield,
Jr. (New)

Shepherd, Robert Whitfield, Sr. (New)

Shepherd, Robert Whitfield, III (New)

Shepherd, Robert Whitfield, IV (New)

Shepherd, William E. (Old)

Shields, Cornelia Elizabeth (Old)

Shields, Eliza Smith (Old)

Shields, Epsie Ansley (Old)

Shields, Eugenia (Old)

Shields, Frances Edmundson (Old)

Shields, Frances Caroline (Old)

Shields, John (Fairview)

Shields, John A. (Old)

Shields, Rebecca Burnett (Fairview)

Shields, Samuel (Old)

Shields, William A. (Old)

Shields, William L.H. (Old)

Shinholser, Zoe Harriot M. (Old)

Shoemake, J.L. (Old / Confederate Sec.)

Shouse, Bama (Fairview)

Shouse, Caswell Allen (New)

Shouse, Catherine Stewart (Fairview)

Shouse, Eliza Jane Allen (New)

Shouse, Ellen Adair (Fairview)

Shouse, Frances Pierce (Fairview)

Shouse, George Knox (Fairview)

Shouse, H.A. (Fairview)

Shouse, Harris H. (Fairview)

Shouse, John H. (New)

Shouse, Knox Alfred (Fairview)

Shouse, Lillian Chapman (Fairview)

Shouse, Lillie Green (Fairview)

Shouse, Lindsay Van (Fairview)

Shouse, Nina Cornwell (Fairview)

Shouse, Ruth Bryant (Fairview)

Shouse, Sara Elizabeth (Fairview)

Shouse, William Allen (Fairview)

Shouse, William Chapman (Fairview)

Shumate, Jeremy Scott (Memorial)

Sidwell, Frances Adams (Fairview)

Sidwell, Maggie Beal (Fairview)

Sidwell, Thompson (Fairview)

Sigman, Beverly Hossler (Memorial)

Sigman, Cheney C., Jr. (Memorial)

Silcox, Margaret Loughlin (Unknown)

Simmons, Eugene Dubos (New)

Simmons, Hubert L. (Old)

Simmons, John Allen (Memorial)

Simmons, Lessie Ezell (New)

Simmons, Lottie Belle (New)

Simmons, Susie Shaw (Old)

Simmons, Willie Frank (Fairview)

Sims, Betty Whitfield (Memorial)

Sims, Joe Boyd (Memorial)

Sims, Pauline Stewart

Sims, Percy (Fairview)

Sims, R.L. (Fairview)

Sims, William Harrison, Sr. (Memorial)

Singleton, Mozell Johnson (Fairview)

Singleton, Willie (New)

Slack, Charles (Fairview)

Slack, Henry Leigh (New)

Slack, Mae Bell Fowler (Fairview)

Slaughter, Harold Frank (Memorial)

Sloan, Francis Elijah, Sr. (Memorial)

Small, Annie Lee Stagg (Memorial)

Small, James Fenton (Memorial)

Smith, Ambrige (Fairview)

Smith, Arzenia Ane Bagwell (Fairview)

Smith, Charles E., Sr. (Memorial)

Smith, David Taylor, Jr. (Memorial)

Smith, Diana Joyce (Memorial)

Smith, Eddie G. (Fairview)

Smith, Elizabeth (Old)

Smith, Ernest Lee (Memorial)

Smith, Eugene (Fairview)

Smith, Eva Marie Kennedy (Fairview)

Smith, Floyd Bruce (Memorial)

Smith, Frank F. (Memorial)

Smith, Franklin L. (Fairview)

Smith, Genie Furlow (Old)

Smith, George H. (New)

Smith, Guy (Old)

Smith, Guy Cardwell (Old)

Smith, Herbert Lafayette (Memorial)

Smith, Ida Eveline Peck (Memorial)

Smith, James Franklin (Fairview)

Smith, Jane Clark (Old)

Smith, John M. (Fairview)

Smith, Junius Pope (Old)

Smith, Lizzie B. (New)

Smith, Louis (Old)

Smith, Manelle Orr (New)

Smith, Mary Elizabeth (Old)

Smith, Rebecca Furlow (Old)

Smith. Ruby McKinley (Memorial)

Smith, Russell Ezekiel (Fairview)

Smith, Velma Rea Samples (Memorial)

Smith, Willie Glenn (Memorial)

Snelling, Louis F. (New)

Snelling, Ruby Vonceil Maddux (New)

Snellings, Ida B. (New)

Snellings, John William (New)

Snellings, Alice B. (New)

Spears, Joseph Clayton, Sr. (Memorial)

Spears, Jefferson E. (New)

Spears, Marie Guinevere Dooly (Memorial)

Spears, Sarah S. (New)

Speed, Ellen Mary (Old)

Speed, Oliver Raymond (Old)

Speed, Sarah Douglas (Old)

Speed, Terrell (Old)

Spelbrink, Carl Bernhart (Memorial)

Spencer, George (Fairview)

Stahley, Cynthia Hensler (Memorial)

Stapp, Chester Spearman (Memorial)

Stapp, Jerry Olin (Memorial)

Stapp, John Preston (Memorial)

Stapp, Latrelle Watkins (Memorial)

Stapp, Sheryl Denise (Memorial)

Steele, Victor Denfrey (Memorial)

Steinel, George A., Jr. (Fairview)

Steinel, George A., III (Fairview)

Steinel, Lucy (Fairview)

Stempinski, Edward (Fairview)

Stephens, Martha (Fairview)

Stephens, Yvonne Millwood (Fairview)

Stevens, Katie Dunevant (Fairview)

Stewart, Ambrose (New)

Stewart, Charlene W. (Memorial)

Stewart, Cynthia Charlene (Memorial)

Stewart, Edward Geneva (Memorial)

Stewart, Newell Allen (Memorial)

Stewart, Rennell Vaughn (Memorial)

Stewart, Shirley Mealer Willoughby


Stewart, Walter (New)

Stinchcomb, Chad (Memorial)

Stinchcomb, Randall L. (Memorial)

Stinson, L.H. (Fairview)

Stokes, Ann Fannin (Old)

Stokes, Archibald Young (Old)

Stokes, Eliza (Old)

Stokes, John Porter (Old)

Stokes, Lucille Fielder (Old)

Stokes, Mary Barnett (Old)

Stokes, William C.Y. (Old)

Stokes, William S. (Old)

Stokes, Willie Y. (Old)

Stone, E.B. (New / Confederate Sec.)

Stone, William Lamar (Fairview)

Stonecypher, Annie Mae (Memorial)

Stonecypher, James O. (Memorial)

Stonecypher, Thomas Jefferson (Memorial)


Stovall, Evelyn Claire Thomas (Fairview)

Stovall, Elizabeth (New)

Stovall, Evelyn Claire (Fairview)

Stovall, George B. (Old)

Stovall, George B., Jr. (Old)

Stovall, Hampton Harwell (New)

Stovall, Henry Alf (Fairview)

Stovall, James Frank (Fairview)

Stovall, John Scott (New)

Stovall, Laura Josephine Arnold (Old)

Stovall, Little Berry (New)

Stovall, Mary Lou Harwell (New)

Stovall, Minnie Bearden (New)

Stovall, Dora Eakes (New)

Stovall, Samuel (Old / Confederate Sec.)

Stovall, Thomas H. (Old)


Strickland, Kris Herndon (Memorial)


Stubbs, Virginia (Fairview)

Suggs, James Richard (Memorial)


Swain, Briana LeGail (Fairview)


Swift, Lucy Talbot (Old)

Swift, Mary Talbot (Old)

Swift, Thomas, Sr. (Old)


Swiney, Gladys E. (New)

Swiney, Talulah E. Wallace (New)

Swiney, Warner R. (New)

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